北京市发展和改革委员会 北京市司法局关于印发改革优化法律服务业发展环境若干措施的通知
Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice
Jingfagaigui [2021] No.2
Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform and
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice
on Printing and Distributing Several Measures to
Reform and Improve the Development Environment of
the Legal Services Industry
Relevant Institutions:
You are hereby notified of the following.
In order to properly implement the work plan on the development of Integrated National Demonstration Zone for Opening up the Services Sector and China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone, strengthen the institutional and mechanism innovation in the field of legal services, and promote the professionalization, premiumization and globalization of the legal service industry, we have formulated Several Measures of the Beijing Municipality to Reform and Improve the Development Environment of the Legal Services Industry, which is hereby printed and distributed and shall be earnestly implemented.
Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice
July 5, 2021
(Contact person: Li Zhaoyan, Municipal DRC; Telephone: 55590160)
Several Measures of the Beijing Municipality to
Reform and Improve the Development Environment of
the Legal Service Industry
In order to properly implement the work plan on the development of Integrated National Demonstration Zone for Opening up the Services Sector and China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone, strengthen the institutional and mechanism innovation in the field of legal services, and promote the professionalization, premiumization and globalization of the legal service industry, the following measures have been formulated.
1.Providing more convenient services on work, residence, and entry/exit. Services on handling work and residence permits shall be further improved, and resources be better ensured. “One-window acceptance and simultaneous permit acquisition” shall be implemented for the work and residence permits of high-end legal talents of foreign nationality, and explorations be made to combine foreigners’ work permits and work-type residence permits into permits for work and residence. Facilitated services shall be provided for handling the permanent stay of foreign talents in the field of legal services. Hearing notices issued by domestic arbitration institutions may serve as documents supporting visa applications by parties or arbitrators of foreign nationality. Law firms and arbitration institutions shall be encouraged to invite foreign students of renowned overseas institutions of higher learning to come to Beijing for internship, to whom short-term visas for private affairs may be issued. (Responsible agencies: Municipal Department of Talents, BOTC, Municipal PSB, and Municipal BOJ)
2.Promoting the facilitation of cross-border payments and receipts for legal business. On the basis of developing business prudently, and following the principles of “knowing your customer”, “knowing your business” and “due diligence”, pilot banks within the municipal jurisdiction shall be supported to improve the examination and verification of foreign-exchange payment and receipt documents for trade in services by legal service institutions. Measures shall be implemented to facilitate the cross-border Renminbi settlement for high-quality and credible enterprises in Beijing, and pilot banks within the municipal jurisdiction shall be supported to provide facilitated services to qualified high-quality and credible legal service institutions for their Renminbi settlement business of cross-border trade in legitimate and compliant use at home of Renminbi income under capital account. Needless to submit ex ante proof of authenticity for each transaction, legal service institutions shall make proper records for the ex post verification. (Responsible agencies: Business Management Department of People's Bank, and Municipal BOJ)
3.Improving administrative approval services for judicial affairs. Implementing rules of the administrative measures on law firms shall be carried out, and the processing time to handle approval of lawyer-type matters be significantly reduced by 50%. Geographic restrictions for the establishment of same-city branches by law firms shall be abolished, and establishment be permissible in all districts citywide. Declaration and undertaking system shall be applied to lawyer-type certification matters, and the materials on domiciles and assets which need to be submitted to apply for the establishment of law firms may be the domicile certificates and asset certificates submitted by the applicants, or the relevant letters of undertaking directly signed by the applicants. Online System of administrative approval for judicial affairs shall be advanced on all fronts, with a view to achieving the target to handle approval without meeting in person by the end of the year. (Responsible agency: Municipal BOJ).
4.Building an international center of commercial arbitration. Renowned overseas arbitration institutions and international commercial mediation organizations shall be supported to establish business institutions in China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone, conduct foreign-related arbitration and foreign-related mediation business in the field of civil and commercial disputes; the application for, and enforcement of, property preservation, evidence preservation, behavior preservation and other interim measures by Chinese and foreign parties before and during arbitration shall be supported in accordance with law. Beijing International Dispute Resolution Center shall be established, and internationally renowned arbitration institutions, dispute resolution institutions, law firms and the like shall be supported to build presence there. Enterprises shall be supported to choose, while signing foreign-related contracts, arbitration institutions in Beijing for commercial arbitration, and Beijing as seat of arbitration. The development of a secure and convenient dedicated data channel of international internet shall be explored in China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone. Security safeguard service shall be properly provided to arbitration institutions and other legal service institutions within the scope of China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone for their access to websites at the frontier of international academia. (Responsible agencies: Municipal BOJ, Municipal CCPIT, Municipal DRC, Municipal SASAC, Municipal CAC, Municipal Communications Administration, Municipal Bureau of Economy and IT, and Chaoyang District Government)
5.Supporting the market expansion of foreign-related legal service institutions. Matchmaking shall be done for professional services under “going-global” projects, regular connection mechanisms be established between enterprises investing abroad and foreign-related legal service institutions, and supply-and-demand channels be smoothened for foreign-related legal services. Municipal law firms shall be supported to establish branches overseas, or cooperate with overseas legal service institutions by means of business alliance on due diligence, risk assessment and the like for international commercial transactions. Facilitated examination and verification shall be provided, and online registration be implemented, for international activities jointly conducted in Beijing by municipal arbitration institutions, law firms and other institutions and overseas non-governmental organizations. (Responsible agencies: Municipal DRC, Municipal BOJ, Beijing Lawyers Association, and Municipal PSB)
6.Promoting the development of foreign-related legal service talents. Databases for the leading and reserve foreign-related legal talents in Beijing shall be enhanced, and excellent professional talents be recommended to provide legal services for major foreign-related projects and important international activities. Industry associations and legal service institutions shall be encouraged to co-develop training bases of professional talents together with renowned law schools, international organizations, and industry associations at home and abroad. In support of the Juris Master Degree (foreign-related lawyers) post-graduate programs carried out by the state, municipal law firms and arbitration institutions with strong capacity of providing foreign-related legal services shall be vigorously recommended to be joint training institutions. (Responsible agencies: Municipal BOJ, Beijing Lawyers Association)
Various relevant agencies shall proceed from the strategic height of accelerated development of the “Two Zones” and Beijing’s further opening up at a higher level, attach importance to the development of the legal service industry, make solid and detailed implementation according to the division of responsibilities. Municipal DRC and Municipal BOJ shall follow up task progress in a timely manner, and ensure that the policies will yield genuine results. It is necessary to set up normalized communication mechanisms, regularly solicit the opinions and recommendations from legal service institutions and legal talents, vigorously implement the state’s tax incentive policies concerning the legal service industry, continuously update and improve policy measures, and constantly reform and improve the development environment of the legal service industry.